About Us

North American Chen’s Taichi Association is a registered Non-profit Organization. Our mission is to promote health and culture of the public by means of Chen’s Taichi and Chinese Culture.

Areas of Work:

  1. Coordinate with principal inheritors and organizations of Chen’s Taichi to ensure authenticity and quality.
  2. Establish committees and departments, establish guidelines and standards for business, establish self-governing bodies.
  3. Coordinate research efforts in order to provide support to member businesses for decision making.
  4. Provide technical and business standards such as certification, business cards, signs and uniforms etc.
    • Provide professional training, certification.
    • Organize Workshops, Forums, Performance and Tournaments.
    • Organize Taichi related cultural events.
    • Coordinate the communications among taichi professionals and organizations.
    • Provide arbitration for pricing differences to ensure fair competition among members.
    • Organize international culture exchange programs.
    • Other related cultural products and business.

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